This week we received tomatoes, kirby Cucumbers, garlic, arugula, Basil, carrots, fennel, a pepper, cantaloupe, peaches and pears. Our yogurt was greek and our cheese was plain cheese curds.
So far I've made my vegetarian stroganoff using some of the onions from last week and some of the garlic from this week. I can't remember if I've posted the recipe here yet or not so here it is (again?)...
I put two packages of white mushrooms, sliced, into a large saute pan with a little olive oil heated in it, add a large diced red onion (I used a white onion this time but red tastes better) and 2 cloves of garlic minced. Saute until it's all tender, add your ground "meat" (I use Quorn crumbles, they're soy free but you can use whatever you like) and a generous pour of red wine (I don't measure but you can never use too much red wine...) and cook until the red wine is reduced. Then you add your sour cream (again, I don't measure and don't think you can ever use too much sour cream) and serve over egg noodles. It's my 3yo's favorite meal!
I've made a nice batch of pesto using the basil and arugula and some more of the garlic as well.
I plan to make carrot cake blondies using some of the carrots and just made a vegan zucchini bread using some zucchini I got from my aunt's garden, not CSA veggies but it totally deserves to be in the blog so that will be my next post :-)
Yum on the vegetarian stroganoff! I've had a great time playing w/ different pestos, too. Make sure you post the carrot cake blondies. :-)